These days it seems everywhere you look someone is staring down at a mobile, laptop, iPad or iPod. Technology is everywhere and has completely consumed our lives in one way or another. When your phone dies, how do you feel? It’s almost as though something important has been taken away and you cannot survive without it!

Being stuck with no phone battery is inconvenient and annoying. No matter if it’s at the end of the day on the train home from work or late at night after a big evening out, it still bugs you… unless you have a power bank.

Power banks are pocket sized friends that act as emergency battery chargers for the most popular range of smartphones. When your phone dies, your power bank is there to save the day. You simply plug the charger into your phone and it begins to restore it back to life- no wall sockets needed!

Power banks are our life lifesavers, our knights in shining armour. They come in at the last minute and save you from a life of no texting or Instagram. They are the best because they are smaller than your phone, meaning you are sure to be able to carry them around everywhere you go.

A great feature of power banks is that they can be customised with a family photo, company logo or text. Not only are they handy but they look super trendy alongside your smart phone! And if you’re sick of not being able to get through to your friends because their phones have died, they make for great gift ideas to ensure the communication is always flowing.

These handy guys are great ways to increase your marketing campaign by branding them with your logo. Nearly everyone has a smart phone, so increase your company awareness every time someone pulls out their charger!