Online and offline marketing goes hand in hand. Yes, you can simply do one without the other. In fact there are many companies that are immensely successful simply by doing marketing online, whilst others only go offline in their marketing efforts and surprisingly there are even companies that succeed with no marketing for example Zahra, the international clothing retail brand that does close to 0 marketing.

Examples of companies that exist online and have outstanding award winning social media strategies would include Asos, Facebook and countless other examples. These companies have limited if any offline marketing and you would be hard pressed to see these organisations advertising on your favourite TV show, magazine or any local event.

However despite these outstanding examples of companies having amazing success they are definitely not the norm. If you are a typical business big or small you need to advertise and take advantage of marketing both offline and online. In other words offline marketing and online marketing goes hand in hand.

Why Must Offline and Online Marketing go Hand In Hand

Is all your traditional marketing which exists in the real world including merchandise such as what you will find on our website. Your offline marketing needs to go hand in hand with your online efforts and it is no co-incidence that much of our merchandise that we supply to our clients now include not merely their logo and tagline but also their internet URL as well.

You see offline marketing combined with online strategies will put your visibility through the roof. Not only will you merely have more exposure to more people but the PR that your offline efforts will generate significant brand recognition and word of mouth online. What this means is that you will get more chatter about you on social media. As a side effect this recognition will help your search engine ranking efforts. It all sounds good and easy right? Well not really. Marketing on all channels drains resources big time. It is very hard to get the exposure you want online compared to offline as the results more often than not are unpredictable and worse still not really measurable. This is where you would want the assistance of professionals such as can help and not just any old SEO company.

Difference Between a Content vs a SEO Company

An SEO company can provide you with a lot of great pointers and ideas when it comes to making sure your website is perfectly configured for maximum visibility. A content company that specializes in SEO takes things one step further by increasing your web visibility by generating great sharable content. The difference is night and day!

Your content offline will generate PR which when utilised properly will boost your online presence in every single aspect. Pretty good right? So despite success stories you read about all the time to succeed you must go hard with your marketing efforts using everything available at your fingertips in order to have your organisation any chance to succeed!