Posted:Friday, August 7 2020 02:31:04 AM Australia/Sydney
Logo branded compendiums may seem like a straightforward product but in actuality, they are comprised of a variety of elements. These components take compendiums to the next level! Here are the fundamental parts of custom compendiums.
Notepads and Pen Loops
Custom compendiums almost always feature notepads and pen loops. This is the greatest appeal of compendiums. This is perfect for meetings or tradeshows as you will often have to take notes in these situations. Additionally, you can switch out the notepads when they are full and replace them with a fresh set. The same applies to pens.
Pockets and Storage
The other benefit of compendiums is the fact that you can store a bunch of essential items in the numerous pockets and storage spaces.
Posted:Monday, April 6 2020 01:02:09 AM Australia/Sydney
It is no surprise that nearly all businesses have moved to working from home, but for many, this is a major change. Most of us have been forced to create a home office to emulate our work environment, albeit without all the fancy features we use to take for granted. Working remotely, note-taking and diary management can become quite difficult when you are juggling different responsibilities and gadgets. So, we’ve compiled a list of our three favourite compendiums that you can use to collect your thoughts and maximise productivity.
Posted:Friday, May 24 2019 00:00:20 AM Australia/Sydney
Have you ever found it difficult to take notes or organise your thoughts during the day/week? Working in a busy office can be disorienting and notes are easily misplaced or lost. Our sleek promotional compendiums offer you a simple way of always keeping information in one succinct place. Here are the reasons why compendiums are useful and serve as a great corporate gift.
Detach Yourself from Technology
With the prominence of technological services, it is great to fall back on the simplicity of free handwriting. As much as technology is useful, it is often predictive of your thoughts and habits, taking away your ability to rationally think. In this modern era, writing by hand has
Posted:Thursday, June 13 2013 05:42:21 AM Australia/Sydney
I have two business card holders. One seems to belong to everybody else because they gravitate to it whenever they need to find somebody’s contact information.