One of the most overlooked pieces of promotional material avalible is the Compendium. Compendiums allow you to carry pens, books, a notepad and a calculator all at the same time! Here are the reasons why you should think about getting a compendium for every student in your school.
Promotional Compendiums are Practical
There is often this stigma against compendiums, and they are seen to be reserved for exectutives and government workers only. The problem with this thinking is that the true poential of having all of your information in one easily place is astonishingly useful, and should be something that should be utalised as much as possible. Carrying all of your notes is not an easy task, they get crushed and folded 1000 times in your bag and binders are incredibly bulky. The traditional 3 ring binder has it's use, but given enough time the plastic sleeves will rip and you